Tuesday, November 01, 2011

CRTC states what customers have known about Rogers all along

The CRTC siding with customers? Did Rogers miss a payment?

The CRTC is investigating Rogers Communications because it believes the way the company deliberately slows down some of its internet traffic violates federal rules.

The probe stems from a complaint by the Canadian Gamers Organization, an advocacy group for people who play video games, that Rogers has been hindering online games.

Rogers admitted in March that its network systems were unintentionally slowing down, or “throttling,” internet traffic for the game World of Warcraft, then said it had resolved the problem.

It further acknowledged in September that other games and programs might be getting tripped up by its throttling. The Canadian Gamers Organization's complaint detailed slow internet speeds experienced while playing Call of Duty: Black Ops.

The CRTC informed the gamers group on Thursday that it has referred the matter to its enforcement division, meaning commission staff consider Rogers to be violating the Telecommunications Act or CRTC regulations.

Read more here.

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