Monday, November 28, 2011

Manitoba hockey hazing sounds gayer than 50 drag queens

WTF, boys will be boys? No wonder they project such homophobia, they could have their own float in Pride.

The mother of a junior hockey player who was allegedly hazed by his Manitoba teammates says she is not pleased to hear that no charges will be laid in connection with the incident.

RCMP announced Monday that no criminal charges will be laid in connection with the Neepawa Natives hockey hazing incident, following a police investigation.

The incident attracted national attention last month, when the parents of a 15-year-old player for the Natives who came forward with hazing accusations told CBC News that their son was forced to dance in the team's dressing room and drag around water bottles that were tied to his genitals.

Seven rookies in all were subjected to similar treatment and older players rated the younger ones on their ability to endure the pain, according to parents.

Guys at the Black Eagle are saying: "wow, now that's twisted..."

Read more here.

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