Sunday, April 10, 2011

Professor Roberto De Mattei: Idiot of the Day

A man you would think was educated enough to not embarrass himself on a planetary scale.

A leading Italian academic is facing growing calls to resign after he blamed the collapse of the Roman Empire on homosexuality.

Professor Roberto De Mattei, vice-president of Italy's Centre for National Research and who is also a devout Catholic, has already faced criticism after claiming that the Japanese tsunami and earthquake disaster was "divine punishment".

In an interview with Radio Maria, a religious news network, Prof De Mattei, 63, said: "The collapse of the Roman Empire and the arrival of the Barbarians was due to the spread of homosexuality.

"The Roman colony of Carthage was a paradise for homosexuals … the abnormal presence of a few deviants infected many others."

The Fall of Rome was actually occurred when the intellectuals began pushing quack theories...

Read more here.

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