Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Danielle Elizabeth Tumminio: Idiot of the Day

In a torturous attempt to reconcile Christian belief with rampent greed, Ms Tumminio* pens...

So is it acceptable for a priest — or any Christian, for that matter — to spend lavishly on a wedding while much of the world lives in poverty, and while Jesus harkens that, “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor?”

Well, there are a couple of ways to respond.

All of which translate: Hell Yes, Spend Spend Spend!!!

That whole "eye of the needle" thing quietly forgotten.

She spends a lot of time imagining what Jesus might do. Conveniently, Jesus is just fine with a splashy wedding.

Dumbest line:

Nonetheless, on a special occasion, Jesus might be down with a lobster profiterole.

Thus can Christianity be molded to fit any immoral vessel.

Read more here.

* Ms Tumminio is "ordained in the Episcopal Church" thus proving familiarity with the original Christian source material is no guarantee of actuate interpretations (as a commenter on CNN noted: Jesus was a Jew, so he probably wouldn't actually "be down with a lobster profiterole.").

But if nasty old Christianity is getting in the way of you enjoying the good life, Ms. Tumminio is just the one to turn to for spiritual guidance.

And for further amusement, check out CNN's On Belief section, where Americans try to convince themselves they aren't really the kind of people Jesus was warning us about.

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