Friday, February 18, 2011

Wichita East High School: Vile Homophobes of the Day

Yet more hatred hiding behind religion

...a student got the green light to author an editorial, and have it published in the school's newspaper (The Messenger), that said same-sex relationships were not normal, and then quoted from a Leviticus translation that says men who lie with other men should get the death penalty.

So much for creating a learning environment where all students, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, can feel respected and safe. In Wichita East High School, you can just get on the Internet or open up a copy of The Messenger and be told that you're not normal, and that some people think it's moral to have you killed.

The article, "Homosexual Teens Alienated By Current Societal Trends," is still available online here. (Here's a PDF in case they take it down.) That's also somewhat of an ironic headline, given that the tenor and tone of the article itself does quite a job of alienating LGBT students.

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