Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Barbarians should not decide what is art

The suburbanites that run our city government are going to decide what is art.

Lord help us all.

Cesar Palacio will ask fellow councillors to endorse a communiqué calling for clearer guidelines on what graffiti is unacceptable amid a crackdown prompted by Mayor Rob Ford’s pledge to clean up the city.

“The current legislative framework I think needs to be reviewed,” says Palacio. “We’re dealing with something that’s very subjective, a very sensitive issue and (it’s) difficult actually to determine what’s art or graffiti or vandalism.”

Palacio, who chairs council’s licensing and standards committee, has been tasked with following through on Ford’s promise. He has been working on a graffiti eradication policy since taking up the post.

Three west-end homeowners — two on Maria St. and one on Ryding Ave. — are fighting graffiti bylaw violation notices handed out by the city, arguing the paintings on their properties are murals, not graffiti. Etobicoke York Community Council was to rule on the matter Wednesday.

Read more here.

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