Saturday, February 26, 2011

Scummy par for the course Republican Gov. Scott Walker pisses off Madison police chief

Madison Police Chief Noble Wray said he wants some answers from Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker about a statement the governor made about considering inserting troublemakers into the group of protesters at the Capitol.

Walker made the statement during a sham phone call in which the caller, posing as conservative billionaire businessman and Walker supporter David Koch, asked Walker if he had thought about the possibility of planting people in the crowd to cause trouble during peaceful protests at the state Capitol during the past two weeks.

The caller, online journalist Ian Murphy, posted audio of the call Wednesday on the website of the Buffalo Beast, a left-leaning New York newspaper.

In response to caller's question, Walker said: "You know, well the -- the only problem -- because we thought about that … My only fear would be is that, if there was a ruckus caused, is that would scare the public into thinking the governor's got to settle to avoid all these problems. Where I've said, 'We can handle this. This is Madison, full of the '60s liberals. Let 'em protest.'"

Read more here.

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