Monday, February 14, 2011

In Tocondo, nobody cares about history

Condo developers and corporations run this city. They rest of you? Buy a condo or move the fuck away.

The crowd at St. Lawrence Hall – well-mannered preservationists gathered to receive a once-a-decade report on the city's heritage – had been fairly subdued until the last audience member rose to speak.

“This is a crisis!” began Paul Farelly, a local activist with a halo of white hair. His neighbourhood association at Church and Wellesley is currently watching yet another row of handsome old buildings be subsumed by a condo tower. The city's heritage protection department, he continued, is understaffed and backlogged, unable to keep up with the pressures of development.

“It's ridiculous. It's lip service. And you really need to make a bigger stink about it,” he said.

For the first time, the crowd erupted in cheers.

Read more here.

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