Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More from the idiot gay republican Andrew Sullivan

Listen to this dribble from Andrew Sullivan:

Norway has just granted same-sex couples the right to marry. And their version of domestic partnerships is abolished (although those who signed up for them can keep them if they so wish). Next week, California - only marginally smaller in population than Spain and South Africa - will join the list. Added to Massachusetts, more gay people will be able to marry in the US than in any other country in the world. In the end, America still came through as the pioneer of full equality.

"In the end, America still came through as the pioneer of full equality."

Yes, he wrote that...

What a total load of bullshit. America is one of the most backwards in this area in the western world, and still the bozo has the nerve to say otherwise.

The Total Idiot and Blinkered American of the Day Awards. Well done!

No wonder he doesn't allow comments.

Read more here.

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