Thursday, August 04, 2011

Sao Paulo: Idiots of the Day..with Pride!

The city council of South America's biggest city has adopted legislation calling for a Heterosexual Pride Day to be celebrated on the third Sunday of each December.

Sao Paulo Mayor Gilberto Kassab must sign the legislation for it to become law and has said only that he is studying it. His office declined Wednesday to say whether he supports the proposal.

The legislation's author, Carlos Apolinario, said the idea for a Heterosexual Pride Day is "not anti-gay but a protest against the privileges the gay community enjoys."

We've all heard over the years "why isn't there a straight pride day?? " *

Well, finally someone was braindead enough to act upon it.

Read more here.

* Yes Chris and Rina, I'm looking at you. Just cause you said it in 1988 doesn't make it any less dumb.

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