Friday, June 24, 2011

Toronto's Homophobic community elated by Rob Ford's Pride snub

Nothing puts a little jump in the step of a homophobe than a little government sanctioned fag bashing.

Read the comments to this story and see!

Good for Ford. I wouldn't go either. Not on my life.

Rob Ford has every right to attend his families events at his families cottage. It is unfortunate that fringe groups dispute this.

Etc etc....

Members of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's family, including his mother, on Thursday publicly defended his decision not to attend the city's Gay Pride Parade.

When asked Wednesday whether he would attend the July 3 parade, Ford said he would continue his family's tradition of being at the cottage in Huntsville during the July 1 long weekend.

A story about Ford's decision triggered more than 600 comments. Many defended Ford's decision, but others said it was a snub to Toronto's gay community.

Read more here.

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