Monday, June 20, 2011

Pierre Lacerte and other Montreal bigots prevent synagogue renovations

The "referendum" went ahead and the bigots won...

The Gate David synagogue is a small, old building that serves about 50 Hassidic families. They first drew up plans to renovate in 2004. Many revisions later, the city approved the plans in 2010. However, if it weren’t for the barrage of petitions, flyers and demonstrations, I would be hard pressed to even tell you where the synagogue is.

Much of the opposition has been spearheaded by Pierre Lacerte, whose blog is so replete with sarcasm, innuendos, and lies that it can almost be called hate literature. Yet, he is quoted at face value by the media and allowed to determine the tone of the

Because he and his comrades come door to door at such regular intervals, I have made efforts to understand their opinions. But it’s a hard thing to listen to when such words eventually turn up in the conversations as “those ethnics,” “they are a threat,” “next thing you know it will be a mosque and Muslims,” and “reasonable accommodation has gone too far!”

Read more here.

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