Sunday, March 27, 2011

Principal Leon Lundie: Another moron forgets students are people

The censorship started March 8, when students, complying with Principal Leon Lundie's new "prior review" policy, showed Principal Lundie their news-page story about an Overland student who died after sustaining an injury at a wrestling meet. Principal Lundie said the student reporters had incorrectly listed the student's cause of death.

On March 10, students brought Principal Lundie a copy of the death certificate, confirming that the cause of death was correctly stated in the original article. Principal Lundie then complained that the article lacked "balance."

On March 11, Principal Lundie removed teacher Laura Sudik as newspaper adviser and informed students that, after this current issue had gone to press, the newspaper class would turn into a journalism class and stop publication.

And of course, he is doing what all scummy people in power are doing recently...blaming it on the budget...

Read more here and here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just wanted to make sure you saw the follow-up: