Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Harper and Co. play up divisions among Canadians to maintain their slimey grip on power

Hey, it worked for Our Lord Mayor Alleged Fat Fuck Ford. Damn Pinkos...

There was once a legend, concocted deep in the countryside of Quebec and recited to little children to keep them in their beds at night. As the legend would have it, one day the entire Island of Montreal would sink beneath the waters of the Saint-Lawrence River and be gone. Suspicion of the city ran deep: ours was the realm of decadence and deviance and such sinful liberties that was inevitable that it would be struck down. This story was told at least up until the 1960s. Perhaps it still is.

But lately the stories about Montreal have slipped from the realm of legends to the rhetoric of politicians. The Conservative Party of Canada, perhaps motivated by a “divide and conquer” mentality, seems to be reinforcing – if not re-inventing - tensions between urban and rural voters in Quebec.

The party has been running brutal campaigns against all their opponents, but their TV smear campaign against Bloc Québecois leader Gilles Duceppe hinges on his being "trop Montréalais" - too much of a Montrealer.

Read more here.

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