Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Toronto's lesser minds set to elect "blue-collar, working-class, anti-intellectual" Rob Ford as mayor, because he's "oddly endearing"

So are the Teletubbies but I wouldn't vote for one.

Btw, Tinky Winky, um I mean Mr. Ford is the fat fuck with the blond hair... allegedly.

Seems we have a Sarah Palin wannabe in the person of Rob Ford running for mayor.

Why do some like him? God knows, but the writer [Christie Blatchford] of a piece in the Globe and Mail tries to tell us:

Rob Ford, the racist/liar/drunk/liar, dropped out of college a few credits short, looks like the sort of guy who would have a couple of beers at lunch and say something stupid, or do something stupid, like get in his car and drive it. And yet, and yet: Every blue-collar, working-class, anti-intellectual bone in my body finds him oddly endearing*.

So, because Mr. Ford is a brash, mildly bigoted dumb good old boy we'd like to have a beer with, we should vote for him?

Sounds oddly familiar, doesn't it?

And what kind of people oppose Mr. Ford, according to Ms. Blatchford:

"that gentle arty or intellectual stripe"

I think she means people with brains who can actually use them. Thinking is *so* passé I know, what with Ms. Blatchford and her ilk positively pining for an Idiot in Office.

The only silver lining is that Ms Blatchford has perserved her idiocy in writing.

Read more here.

* Remind me never, ever to accept an invitation to one of Ms. Blatchford's parties.

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