Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Archeology or desecration? Scientists study Celtic grave

Note the tone of this article, they are not sure themselves...

German experts are carefully taking apart a complete Celtic grave in the hope of finding out more about the Celts' way of life, 2,600 years ago, in their Danube heartland.

It wasn't the most glorious final journey for an aristocratic Celtic lady who, in life, clearly had a bit of style.

She died just over 2,600 years ago and rested in peace until a few months ago when her grave was dug up in its entirety - all 80 tonnes of it - and transported on the back of a truck through countless German towns.

In the grave, too, was a child, presumed to be hers. Their last inglorious journey ended in the back yard of the offices of the archaeological service of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.

When the truck arrived, the grave encased almost entirely in concrete, was unloaded and a tent constructed around it.

The archaeologists decided that removal of the whole grave would allow them to use the most modern resources of analysis, from computers to X-rays.

Best propaganda:

"It is a skeleton but it's still a human being so you have a natural respect," she said, looking her fellow human being in the face, across the divide of 26 centuries.

"It's a natural respect between two people."

Respect that only extends so far..

Read more here.

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