Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Minnesota's Governor Mark Dayton tries to apologize for the heartless, spiteful people in his government

The ability of a governor to take charge of a state’s political conversation — particularly when legislators are not in session — was never more clear than this morning.

Gov. Mark Dayton stepped up to his bully pulpit and talked about his “symbolic” veto of the controversial constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage...

...Dayton seemed surprised that a legislative bill, mirroring the amendment, even would cross his desk. His veto of the bill, he admitted, would do nothing to prevent the proposed amendment from going on the ballot in November 2012.

“Symbolic as it may be, without question, I’m vetoing it,” Dayton said.

Nice try governor, but these people are motivated by religious driven hatred. They are blind.

Read more here.

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