Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mayor Ford learns a new word from the conservative attack book: Socialists

Ooooooooo BOOOOOOO Socialists!!!

Mayor Rob Ford lashed out at opponents of garbage privatization plans on Tuesday as he announced a conciliatory move that now gives council the final say on garbage contract bids.

Blah blah blah, the Mayor stamps his feet when he want something....

Time to throw a bone to the Ford Nation, filled with tasty buzz words to feed the hungry...

"We're going to have the other side of people that are going to have respect for taxpayers' money, that want to bring accountability to City Hall, that are sick and tired of the tax-and-spend socialists down in this city. That's where it's going to come down to. So we're going to have the left or you're going to have the right."

You're either for me, or against me.

What a dim little man.

Read more here.

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