Saturday, January 15, 2011

CRTC Says Rogers Not Complying With Net Neutrality Disclosure Requirements. In other news, water is wet

CRTC concerns with Rogers and its response to net neutrality complaints escalated this week when the Commission sent a letter to the company advising that it has received a growing number of complaints and that its public disclosures have not been compliant with CRTC Internet traffic management policy requirements. The case began last fall when the CRTC received a complaint over changes to Rogers' practices that affected downstream P2P traffic.

Rogers ultimately admitted the practice and promised to update its disclosure policies. Despite those promises, the CRTC found that the disclosures still only focus on the impact of its practices on uploading. The Commission told Rogers yesterday that:

Staff consider that in order to comply with TRP 2009-657, the discussion in the page titled Legal Disclaimer and the detailed discussion available on the network management policy web page should indicate that there are circumstances whereby the Rogers ITMP will also affect download speeds available to subscribers. Further, the detailed discussion on the network management policy page should clearly indicate which download applications might be affected in these circumstances and to what degree (i.e., the impact on download speeds should be indicated).

The letter added that it has received additional complaints about the practices and wants a response from Rogers by February 14, 2011 on "whether and how Rogers intends to modify its ITMP disclosures in compliance with TRP 2009-657."

Via Michael Geist

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