Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Epic idiots at American Family Association

American Family Association, American's favorite small minded bigots, are now going after McDonald's.

Why you may ask? Well..

What the boycott of McDonald’s IS NOT about
• This boycott is not about hiring homosexuals [yet].
• It is not about homosexuals eating at McDonald’s [yet].
• It is not about how homosexual employees are treated [yet].

Because those things in 2008 are too extreme, even for the AFA.

No, first things first. Make them second class citizens first, with corporate help of course. If McDonald's is on the AFA's side, then *how* can they be seen as the backwards thinking troglodytes they really are? That done, then we can cover the above points...

What the boycott of McDonald’s IS about
It is about McDonald’s, as a corporation, refusing to remain neutral in the culture wars. McDonald’s has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda, including homosexual marriage.

See, such nice folks. Not great thinkers of course ("not neutral" to them means taking a position they don't agree with. "Stand back corporation, and let us fuck over who we please"), but awww, it has "Family" in the name...

Bunnies and flowers.

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