Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Putting the Dark in Dark Ages, it's The Christian Congress for Traditional Values!

Yet another psychotic Christian hate group, this one out of the U.K.

Seems they're running a ad stating "Gay Aim: Abolish the Family"

Whatever..We are Fammmilllyyyy....sorry

This is as nothing compared to their site..

Go ahead have a look, I'll wait...CCTV.ORG

Nasty enough for you?

Their lead story is about how upset they are that a law may prevent them from such things as "However, the Bible is not “polite” about homosexuality. It makes it very clear that homosexuality is an abomination before God (Leviticus 20:13) and those that engage in this behaviour are “unrighteous”, “wicked”, “haters of God”, etc (see Romans Chapter 1). It is essential that a freedom of speech clause is included to allow people to continue preaching the Gospel.

Thank God I have Romans Chapter 1 and the good folks at CCTV to tell me I'm a hater of God.

Jesus loves me this I know, cause the Bible tell me so...No he doesn't! Leviticus 20:13 sheesh!!!

There should be no law. We must face this kind of ugliness dead on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wrote about this on my blog, and so as to correctly attribute the leader of the CCTV with his correct Bishop title I called his office to ask where he was ordained. Not one member of his staff could tell me!