Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shlomo Benizri is an idiot

Yes sad but true, but I call 'em as I see 'em.

Seems idiocy is not restricted to Christians, God Damn it.

The recent earthquake that was felt across Israel was the result of the "homosexual activity practiced in the country", Knesset Member Shlomo Benizri said Wednesday.

During a special Knesset session on Israel's preparedness for the possibility of another earthquake hitting the region, the Shas member said "the Gemara refers to earthquakes as disasters, but you are searching only for the practical solutions how to prevent and repair.

"But I no of another way to prevent earthquakes; the Gemara mentions a number of causes of earthquakes, one of which is homosexuality, which the Knesset legitimizes," Benizri said.

Yes, gays cause earthquakes, and this man wins the coveted Idiot of the Day award!

Read more here.


Mrs B said...

So if we follow and expand Mr Benizri's line of thought: no earthquakes in Iran then. Hence there being no gays in that country according to totalitarian leader Ahmadinedjad.

protogenes said...
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