Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Zeke's Gallery

Zeke Gallery blog has been getting cease and desist letters bacause of a posting:

Over the weekend I apparently got a visit by a bailiff. It appears that Pierre Antoine Tremblay doesn't like this here blog. Specifically, this post from November.

It also appears that M. Tremblay needs to learn the difference between the subject of a sentence and the object of a sentence. I very frequently have the same problem in French. However, in English (and especially if you click on the links in the post) it is obvious that Mr. Martorana was the catalyst for all the arrests and investigating. Personally, I like how M. Tremblay doesn't complain about me writing that he tried to sell some fake paintings to Loto-Quebec.

Then don't even get me started about what I think about his gallery.

Having had my own run in with creeping lawyers and their letters, Zeke should not be too put out.

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