Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fiery Dragons

I want to believe, but come onThe Middle Ages is filled with stories of signs and wonders...

The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle for AD 793 records that the people of Northumbria were terrified when great sheets of lightning and fyrene dracan on tham lyfte fleogende, fiery dragons flew across the sky. Famine followed very soon afterward.

It is disturbing when these kind of stories pop up today...or perhaps the mentality of the Middle Ages isn't quite dead. There's life in the Old Girl yet.

When retired policeman Andy Key went on a trip to Rome, he was struck by the beauty of sunlight streaming through a window in the Vatican.

As the Pope made an address nearby, he decided to capture the stunning image on his camera.

But it was only when Mr Key, 48, and his wife Susan, 44, returned home and and downloaded their photographs that they noticed a strange apparition in the picture....

...Mr Key, from March, Cambridgeshire, said: "It looks like an angel hovering on the people's heads.

"No-one can explain it - there's nothing on their heads for the light to bounce off."

Turn off your mind here.

...Earlier this month, pregnant Amanda Skelding, 23, from Glasgow, saw what appeared to be a traditional image of Jesus in the grainy black and white picture she was handed after her ultraound scan.

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