Friday, September 16, 2005

Turn it off


The Americans are out of their minds.

They have no idea, either do they care.

I have been more focused on American affairs this year, reading blogs, following events on cable news network, reading editorials. I was trying to understand a world power that would elect a President such as GWB.

They are out of their minds. All of them (or at the very least the ones that elected him a *second* time).

Never since the Romans has a country been so convinced of their own right to do what they want in the world.

One would almost think there is no escape.

But then a wonderful can happen. You can, if not get them to shut up, at least turn their incessant whining way down.

Just don't listen. Turn off Fox, stop reading frenzied blogs, ignore pseudo-christians promoting hatred.

Hear that....silence....the silence of a truly civilized country.



The civilized human comes in many forms, and we didn't have to invade anyone.

1 comment:

Reverend Frost said...

O Canadaaaaaa,
O Canadaaaaaa,
We stand on guard for theeeeeee.