Sunday, September 18, 2005

Rome IV


Episode IV of was aired this evening, and though is is not perfect, I am beginning to enjoy the series.

The ancient Rome recreated here is at once more dingy and more brightly coloured than the standard Hollywood version we are used to. Walls both inside and out are brightly painted, yet the streets are narrow and dark. Rich woman sport vivid fabrics and multicoloured wings (the source of this information is unknown to me. Though a student of that period, I was unaware of the punk streak in the Roman aristocracy. Perhaps it's just HBO fucking with me.

So viewers have also noticed a possible anachronism in the poetry reading, as it seems Virgil was quoted. Fine, expect at this period it hadn't been written yet...

Earlier in the day and friend and I were joking that there had not been much male nudity so far. This oversight was quickly taken care of in the person of Marcus Antonius and the bath/interview scene.

he has a wife you know

The major drawback is the lack of any kind of arch in the episodes. There is no climax, no rousing endings. Things just happen, and the episodes vary in length accordingly (this and the rather pointless domestic storyline. North American audiences seem to need so called "real people" to identify with, thought I think I know where they might be going with the married soldier, Lucius Vorenus).

News is there is another season coming, but at this pace, the Ides of March won't be coming it the end of this season.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Are you being funny here on purpose? Male nudity, but lack of arch, climax, rousing endings? I got a chuckle out of it, anyway.