Monday, March 12, 2012

Oooooo Doug Ford is *so* butch

Councillor Doug Ford, under fire at City Hall for his outspoken, bare-knuckle style, says being a politician is the only thing that stopped him from fighting a verbally abusive bicycle courier last week...

...The councillor, trying to drive into underground parking, got out because the courier was blocking him from pushing a button, he said.

“I told him if I wasn’t an elected official I’d kick his ass in about 10 seconds,” Doug Ford said. But the courier was still cursing him when he walked up from the garage, he said.

You go girl. Not to be outdone, Rob has this to add...

Mayor Rob Ford interjected: “There’d be one less courier because, trust me, Doug has been a kick boxer 10 years . . . I guarantee you that guy would have been history in about two seconds.”

This is our mayor folks...

Read more here.

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