Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Cornell Daily Sun comes out as illiterate

The Cornell Daily Sun defends their rookie "ethics" column writer Elisabeth Rosen.

Seems they can't read what she clearly wrote..perhaps if they sounded out the words slowly...

There are a few factors at work here. First, the analogies: In my opinion, Rosen did not equate homosexuality with having an eating disorder. I think Rosen’s distinction was more subtle than it might first appear. In my opinion, her writing was not bigoted or malicious. Nor was it homophobic. I think the chorus of strong-worded accusations on that point is misguided and ultimately wrong.

The analogies, however, were worded somewhat unartfully. Rosen was trying to enhance her column with punchy clauses to give it a more conversational — and less serious — tone. Coupled with the gravity of the situation she was addressing, the writing could seem inconsistent. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this; she is just trying to find her voice as a columnist. Rosen had a certain writing style as a reporter (her coverage of the Kot murder trial, for example, was clear and articulate), and she is trying to develop in her new role. Tone will likely not be an issue in the long run.

Tone will not be an issue, as the tone has already been set...

Second, there is the substantive content of Rosen’s advice. On Jezebel, North noted the “fluidity of human sexuality,” which is central to this point. Sexuality is indeed a complicated issue, and it’s hard to address with care and nuance in a small space. At worst, Rosen might have been naïve in oversimplifying the issue.

Translation: She's a new and not yet competent writer. Although her column came across as homophobic, it's just because she can't write worth shit. But we're keeping her made us laugh.

Sheesh, you liberals!

Read more here.

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