Thursday, January 15, 2009

More dumb European art

The artist and the subject matter sound like they just escaped from grade school.

Nanananana, your country is a toilet!

The Czech EU presidency has apologised for an art installation it commissioned that lampoons national stereotypes.

Czech Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra apologised directly to Bulgaria, which has formally complained over its depiction as a toilet in the art work.

He said the image, at the European Council building in Brussels, would be removed if Sofia insisted.

David Cerny, the Czech artist behind the work, admits misleading officials over his intentions with the project.

Oooo, those tricky modern artists, desperately trying in inject life into what are essentially bland government commissions..

He said he had "wanted to find out if Europe is able to laugh at itself".

Nope, but we're getting a good giggle out of you.

Read more here, but beware, the so called art work is of surpassing mediocrity.

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