Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jim Carrey, shut the fuck up

Ooo Lordy Lordy, the Mistral Show's in Town! I love all those boys in Gayface!

Jim Carrey, and his immense sacrifice of having to kiss Ewan McGregor:

"If I were to be really honest, there was a homophobic voice that rose up inside me that said, 'Gee, this is kind of scary. First of all, what will people think, and second of all, will I like it? Will I like kissing Ewan? How will that affect me? There were a few people in my world who said, 'Are you sure you want to do this?' And that still exists. I said 'Absolutely' because, sexual preference aside, it is a story that is so compelling and interesting and different. It's about humanity. It is about you love who you love. And love is love. And that's it...."

I realize you're covering your straight ass for your adoring public but Mr. Carrey, shut the fuck up.

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