Monday, September 11, 2006

Path to Whitewash pt1

So that was part 1 of "The Path to 911".


It's viewpoint couldn't have been more clear, and this is the altered version.

Seems all terrorists are shifty eyed, sweat a lot, live in areas that have no colour expect sand brown and listen to non stop Arabic music and chants...all day long.

American characters constantly roll their eyes on having to follow annoying little things like international and U.S. laws (oh, as long as they aren't part of Clinton's government that is).

Pesky things these laws, don't they know we are in a new kind of war? (How do you win a law and order war? Answer: You don't)

"Are there no men left in Washington, or are they all cowards?"

"Clinton is Satan" (this after a terrorist shoots bullets into a screen showing Clinton). Gee, wonder if Bush will get such harsh treatment in part 2...?


They burn an American flag in one scene. Is it news footage, or did they burn one in the name of art?

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