Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Harper and Co. still want to impose backwards thinking Copyright law

They been trying for years to shove this stupid law down our throats.

Now they have a majority...

Mr. Moore told The Canadian Press in an interview that the Conservative government will re-introduce its copyright bill this fall, in exactly the same form as legislation that died with the last Parliament.

The measures will go back to a legislative committee for study, and Mr. Moore said groups who testified before MPs won't be asked back to comment again.

“We've taken a couple runs at it before in minority Parliaments, but we think that we have a very good formula with the old Bill C-32 and when we come forward with our legislative agenda this fall we want to pick up where we left off, which is to continue the study of the legislation,” Mr. Moore said.

Translation: we've got a majority now, and the ones that voted us in don't give a fuck about copyright.

A word to Harper: you do realize no one will take these laws seriously, especially if it is crystal clear these laws are only there to keep your rich friends rich. Lawmakers are clueless on how the digital world actually works.

Read more here.

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