Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ed Rollins: Idiot of the Day

Ed Rollins of CNN [He was White House political director for President Reagan and chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee], a classic armchair warrior, seems to be upset that Obama went to the U.N. last week and didn't nuke everyone out of existence...

No American president has ever stood before the U.N. body and condemned his predecessor or American foreign policy in such a way. President Bush, like every president before him made some mistakes, but he did not deserve this put down

Except he might be a war criminal, a minor point, I know, in Ed's mind...

...let's not forget America was attacked on September 11, 2001, and thousands of American lives were lost. President Bush and his team got us through all that and kept us safe for the rest of his terms.

Conveniently forgetting September 11th happened under the Republicans.

The public's question should be can he deal with reality?

Like Iraq's WMD?

Last Thursday, the president, chairing the United Nations National Security Council, pushed through a six-page resolution that was approved unanimously 15-0. The resolution urged a world without nuclear weapons.

President Obama stated: "We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth."

Obama wants to eliminate nuclear weapons? How dangerously Un-American!

The rest of the article whines on about how poor Obama is doing too much at once. It might seem that way to a man used to Bush, a man unable to open a door and string a coherent sentence together...

Read more here.

1 comment:

Travis Millet said...

I stumbled upon the Ed Rollins article in question and am glad somebody else thought it was a load of crap. I tried to put a link to your commentary in the 'opinions and comments' section of Ed Rollins article on but I don't think it will get past the CNN comment review board.