Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Why Toronto is hated

Toronto is hated in the rest of Canada, and as I live here I can tell you they have no clue as to why they are hated..

Clue 1. Listen to the tone of this article from the National (hahahaha) Post...

Economic supremacy was surrendered to Toronto long ago. Hockey fans have lately grown accustomed to seeing the Canadiens miss the NHL playoffs as often as the hated Maple Leafs. At least, Montrealers consoled themselves, we can still eat better here.

But now even the assumed superiority of Montreal restaurants is under attack as the city's annual mid-winter festival of gourmet dining has declared Toronto its featured city.

Such celebrated chefs as Susur Lee, Jamie Kennedy and Keith Froggett will leave their Toronto restaurants for a few days next month to share secrets with their Montreal counterparts and chip away at the biases of diners who think Toronto closes at midnight.

"We wanted to shatter the prejudices of Quebecers," said Germaine Salois, director of the Montreal High Lights Festival's gourmet series. "We know Toronto is no longer what it used to be. There are fine restaurants. It is a great metropolis. .."

Yup, that's all you hear here.."we're world class...we're a great metropolis..."'s not really.

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