Sunday, March 11, 2007

Rome II ep 8

look serious

Much as I hate to say it, this episode of HBO's Rome finally resembled BBC's "I Claudius"...sort of.

Some criticized I Claudius for being just a soap opera in togas. Well, Rome tonight was very much that and more (I mean more than usual).

We begin with Octavian thanking the women of Rome for their strength and virtue, but knowing the writers, they mean to show nothing of the sort.
You like to do what!!?
It's all their fault, of course.

First, Octavius arranges to meet a young Livia at a party (I waited for violin stabs as they met, but even Rome isn't that cheesy...). They blink an eye, and the marriage is arranged.

But what's this! Maecenas is plotting, with Caesar's slave, to steal from Octavian? Ok, it's weak, it's unhistorical, but the writers must have a reason (other than Maecenas's need to keep his lady friends in opium)...

...of course, all will be well, as Tweedle Dumb is guarding the gold, natch!

What! Just at the last moment his wife is poisoned (by an evil woman - see *), so the gold is stolen! NO!

Such shock, such suspense. Who could have taken it?

it's mineAnyway, Octavian brings new wifie to dinner, and gets around to pissing everyone off (sis and mother's fault this time).

Even more glowering.

Thank God it isn't just the aristros having family problems, as Tweedle Dee finally goes through naughty little daughter's Barbie collection and discovers she has been sleeping with the enemy...oh *there's* the gold!

"Cherchez la femme" is what they should have done, but nooooo, Lepidus has already discounted anything a Gaul would say.

Rufus has slaves for every budget

So off to Egypt goes Antony, because the history books say he does, and with him goes Tweedle Dee..because...because...the writers say he does.

Tweedle Dumb is left to get over his wife's death in 30 seconds and then recreate the Gangs of New York to settle some scores (*caused by same evil woman?).

There were fragments of historical events, but they passed as motes in the wind. The episode does end with an amusing bit of dialog...


look more serious

Tune in next week.

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