Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Merry Olde England

How dare you try and prevent me from being a hateful, spiteful person in the name of Jesus!

"New laws banning discrimination against gay people in the provision of goods and services face a Lords challenge.

The Sexual Orientation Regulations have been criticised by some religious groups who say people will not be allowed to act according to faith."

The kicker is: "people will not be allowed to act according to faith"

Translation: people will not be allowed to act like cunts, and hide behind 2,000 year old writings.

"Critics say the regulations would mean hotels could not refuse to provide rooms for gay couples...Some critics also say a Christian, Jewish or Muslim printer could be legally forced to print a flyer for a gay night club, or a teacher would have to break the law to promote heterosexual marriage over homosexual civil partnership"

"Christians have no desire to discriminate unjustly on the grounds of sexual orientation, but they cannot and must not be forced to actively condone and promote sexual practices which the Bible teaches are wrong."

If they want to follow the Bible, then follow it, word for word....bring back slavery, take away the rights of woman, take away...

Oh..that *is* what they want....

One can only assume by their reaction that they want to discriminate, and are miffed from the possibility of being prevented from doing so.

Any group, any one, who has to use violent force (real or "according to faith") to prove the rightness of their cause, have lost any moral high ground, and have lost the argument.

No other group in society can do this, can claim to have rights to be pricks above the rest of us.

Ok, ok, maybe politicians and some rappers...

The humble message should be: Love One Another. The rest was windowdressing.

We need protection from any and all "religious" people like this. T'weren't called the Dark Ages for nothing.

Read more here

Woohoo update:

"New rules outlawing businesses from discriminating against homosexuals have been upheld in the House of Lords.
A challenge led by Lord Morrow of the Democratic Unionist Party failed by a majority of three to one.

He had argued that the rules forced people to choose between obedience to God and obedience to the state.

But Northern Ireland Minister Lord Rooker said it would be "quite wrong" to elevate the rights of one group above those of another."...

...Labour's Lord Smith said: "I am somewhat puzzled by the arguments that have been advanced.

"It seems to me, in my simplistic way, that what they (the opponents of the regulations) are arguing for is quite simply the right to discriminate and the right to harass.

"And those arguments are being made in the name of Christianity."


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