Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quebec nationalists outraged...again (sets watch)

Montreal Gazette writer Josh Freed penned a piece about Quebec nationalists and their usual outrage over anything English, this time concerning the upcoming St. Jean festivities...

The dinosaurs of nationalism like the St. Jean organizers who tried to stop two local bands from singing in a foreign dialect called English – a move reminiscent of the old days of the Apostrophe SS.

Well! How dare he make such a joke (which is no more offensive than Seinfelfd's "Soup Nazi"), but this is Quebec we're talking about, and offense comes as easy a breathing if anyone (read here: anyone English) dares criticize *anything* the French may do..

Cue Gilles Rhéaume, familiar to anyone in Quebec, who's filed a complaint with the Quebec Press Council (what you want to bet it uses the word "humiliated"?)

I fled this crap 10 years ago, and it's still going on.

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