Wednesday, December 12, 2007


A Mississauga man accused of killing his teenage daughter was remanded in custody this morning after a brief court appearance.

Muhammad Parvez, 57, stood silently in the prisoner’s dock during the hearing in a Brampton courtroom.

Handcuffed and wearing a prison-orange jumpsuit, he mumbled the single word “yes” when asked if he understood a court order not to communicate with his son, Waqas Parvez.

The two men were charged after Aqsa Parvez, 16, was found critically injured Monday morning in the family’s Mississauga home. She died in hospital late Monday night...

...The 16-year-old clashed with her devout Muslim family over strict rules.

Father and son need to have the Koran thrown at them, then lock them up and throw away the key. *Any* so called religion that allows this kind of crap to happen deserves zero respect in a modern advanced culture.

This is Canada, not Rikitikistan.

Read more here.

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