Monday, May 16, 2005

Men of the West

A once noble house, bereffed of honour. Now speak in words we can all understand.

I met an old co-worker while at dinner Saturday night. I had left this company a while back because the new person (an old friend of theirs, how convenient) they had brought in to run the company (after they had lost a packet of money the year before) turned out to be a sniveling two faced liar.

Now, a sniveling two faced liar is probably just what they needed to make themselves better suited to compete in today's business environment.

Well, seems everyone (except the owners) who were there have since left (or were tossed from) the company, even their oldest friends and employees. They all agree this new boss was a sniveling two faced liar (and possibly the thief of 30k in sales commissions, but that's another story).

I felt strangely better after hearing that news.

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