Thursday, August 05, 2010

Bigot Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage speaks his mind

Fear and illogic is all they have left, in fact it's all they've ever had.

In the imaginary Constitution in Judge Walker’s head, gay marriage is a constitutional right. In the real Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, we have a core civil right to participate in democracy to demand that our government respect marriage. We are going to fight for that right and we are going to win.

Q: Some would ask (and I’m sure they do): Isn’t that an insult to Martin Luther King Jr.? Isn’t the movement for same-sex marriage all about equality? And equality isn’t the side you’re on?

A: On the contrary, as Bishop Harry Jackson said in his statement in response to Judge Walker’s ruling, what is insulting is to imagine that Christians and other marriage supporters are like racists. People who lived through the real Jim Crow can tell you that the comparison between Prop 8 and racial bigotry is grotesquely inappropriate. You know what real equality is? One man with one woman, that’s equality.

You're not racists silly, you're bigots. Get it straight.

I thought getting it straight was your forté.

Read more here.

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