Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison: Idiot of the Day

Add a new item to the long list of political shenanigans that backfire once discovered. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) has decided to run for Texas governor against incumbent Rick Perry, and her new campaign website contained hidden text that read "rick perry gay." The resulting flap led to the firing of the Web development firm involved, drew heated responses from Perry's office, and (perhaps worst of all) saw Hutchison's campaign website yanked from Google's search index.

Read more here.

While the issue will no doubt blow over like a Texas rain shower, it could have longer-term consequences for the site vendor, the nonpartisan ElectionMall. The DC-based firm builds and manages websites, mailing lists, and online stores, but stuffing your website with thousands of search terms and getting a candidate temp-banned from Yahoo and Google doesn't look good on the old résumé.

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