Saturday, August 30, 2008

4000 Holes

Now we know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall.

It was 19th century-arama today with a visit to the aforementioned local. The approach from the back takes you through wonderful curved apartment blocks (the rent of which I am too frightened to even contemplate).

The Hall itself is massive Victorian wedding cake architecture at its finest. Solid and built to last. Unfortunately Bryan Adams is one of the upcoming acts....

Across the road is the Albert Memorial, something Victoria whipped together in her spare time (when she was not amused). The photo does not convey how imposing it is, and how the gold leaf shines in the sun.

Speaking of the sun, it made its first all day appearance of our visit, and all London was out and about. We toured through Hyde Park, which was filled with sun starved Brits (and no small number of map clutching tourists).

Also today was visit to Harrod's, to see how the other half shops. A tiny pink baby's jacket by Dolce Gabbana going for £200 about says it all...

I bought a £6 Paddington bear, which was more in my range.

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