Friday, February 29, 2008

I'm the Idiot Who Bought an HD-DVD Player

No no, not me! I'm not that dumb...really!

The man spends the article explaining what an idiot he was for buying a HD-DVD (yes he is an idiot), but then proceeds to try and predict the future. Can we trust the words of an idiot?

f there's any consolation for us HD-DVD-buying losers, it's that disc-shaped physical media won't be around much longer. Once high-definition digital downloads, like those available through Apple TV, hit the mainstream, Blu-ray will be as dead as HD-DVD. Take that, Sony! In the meantime, I'll console myself by watching hour upon hour of Planet Earth. And no, I'm not going to buy a Blu-ray player. Those things are too damn expensive.

He was a fool to early adopt. Period.

Read more here.

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