Tuesday, October 30, 2007

"That's not my penis," he defends

Every country faces its own political scandals, but few are like the one raging this week in Australia. A member of a strong family values party in the country has been dumped by his supporters, after revealing and embarrassing pictures of his nether regions wound up on gay websites all over the Internet.

Andrew Quah admits the two-year-old photos appear to show his genitalia, and that their distribution has made his candidacy 'untenable.' But he insists he's not to blame for the images.

"I might have been drunk off my face, or my political enemies might have drugged me," the 21-year-old Sydney music teacher explains. "It was a mistake that I would not have committed had I been of right mind. All I know, I have been humiliated."

And his contention that one of the photos was digitally altered has resulted in one of the great quotes of all time, published Monday in the Sydney Morning Herald. "That's not my penis," he defends.

But that still doesn't explain anything about the other photos, which he admits are of him. Those were enough to cause Family First leader Steve Fielding to dump the young man from the party.

"Andrew has admitted to the party that two of the photos were of himself, but he denied that a third photo was of himself," explains party spokeswoman Felicity de Fombelle. "He denied uploading the photos, but he also admitted that he personally used pornography, so his views are at odds with the values of the party."

Quah has been mercilessly satirized since the revelations came out, earning him the nickname "Australia's Smallest Loser."

Btw, you do NOT want to see these pics...

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